Ruby OpenSource Challenge


  • What is Ruby OpenSource Challenge?
    It’s an online programming competition where contestants improve a selected Ruby Open Source project during a one month coding period. Once the Challenge is accomplished, we’ll open the polls up for the public to vote for the most mind-blowing input to the project. Additionally our Expert Panel will also draw their winner evaluating factors such as innovation and usefulness for the project. Yeey!
  • Which Ruby Open Source Project Should I Contribute To?
    We’re really proud to announce that the very first OS project to be improved during the Challenge is Active Admin. It’s a great tool if you want to create administration style interfaces, but with your help it can become even better! Giant Kudos to Greg Bell - Active Admin's creator - for his support!
  • When Can I Register for The Challenge?
    Well, actually registration is already open! You can join the Challenge at any stage of the competition, but let’s be honest, the faster you sign up, the more time you have to work on the project. So don’t hesitate and register now!
  • When Does The Challenge Start?
    The competition starts on July 1, at 00:00 am GMT and the coding part continues for a month till July 31, at 11:59 pm GMT.
  • Can I Use Third Party Gems, Plugins, Libraries etc.?
    Yees you can, as long as they are both publicly available and Ruby-friendly.
  • Must All My Entries Be Licensed via an Open Source License?
    The goal of the Ruby OSC is to improve Open Source projects and to help the dev community so yeees, your entries must be open-source too.
  • How Will We Pick The Winner?
    The winners will be drawn by both - the community - in public voting - and by the Expert Panel lead by the OS project chief. Judging and public voting will take place between August 1, at 00:00 am GMT and August 7, at 11:59 pm GMT. Each contestant will have 3 votes to distribute among those whose input she/he found the most inspiring and important for the project.
  • Can I Vote for Myself?
    Nope, you cannot vote for yourself - we already know you’re awesome ;> Nope, you cannot vote twice for the same person. Yes, all votes are public.
  • Can People Who Do Not Take Part in The Challenge Vote for The Winner?
    Nope;) Only the people who took the effort to improve the OS project, will get an opportunity to choose the winner. In other words, you will be judged by the community of skilled Ruby devs instead of other contestants moms, grandpas, girlfriends or best buddies;>
  • How Do I Check if I've Won?
    The winner will be announced on the RubyOSC website on August 10, at 06::00 pm GMT ;> Stay tuned!
  • I’m Employed by One of the RubyOSC Sponsors, What Shall I Do?
    If you are working for one of our sponsors, no worries, it will have no impact on the judges, so feel free to join the Challenge too!
  • I’d Like to Be the Ruby OSC Sponsor, Who Should I Contact?
    Great to hear that! If you’d like to sponsor the event, or have a media related enquiry contact Wiktor Schmidt at and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.